Hello, everyone!
This website will contain general development tips and tricks. Also, it will be home to the news related to my project: the XBeat game, which is hosted at GitHub, here.
The game is a clone of the Project Diva series, launched for a few Sony Playstation consoles.
Using a DirectX 11 renderer, many jobs are done directly in the GPU, decreasing the need of a high-end CPU.
Right now, this is what is working:
- Renderer is initializing
- Skybox created
- OBJ models for stages
- PMX models are loaded
- Postprocessing! Image 1 Image 2
- DirectInput for keyboard and mouse
- Dynamic lighting, supporting up to 4 lights
- Vertex and material morphs (these are still done on CPU)
What does not work:
- Bones transformations
- The game itself :(
Updates are going to be posted here :D
Current renderer status: